The past Easter weekend presented unusual challenges for electricity production in Poland. Between Friday and Monday, the transmission system operator, PSE, repeatedly decided to limit the capacity of photovoltaic installations, shutting them down for several hours each day. Of particular note was Sunday, March 31, when a record-breaking 3237 MW of power was disconnected from the grid—a historic maximum. This situation resulted from exceptionally sunny weather combined with reduced energy demand during the holiday period.

The largest restrictions occurred on Sunday, when solar energy accounted for over 40% of Poland’s total electricity production. Additionally, the extended Easter weekend, coupled with favorable weather conditions, contributed to increased nighttime energy production from wind farms.

Despite these challenges, electricity prices remained positive, demonstrating the stability of the energy market. Even with production limitations from renewable energy sources, energy prices did not dip into negative values. This serves as a testament to the flexibility and resilience of Poland’s power system, which effectively adapts to dynamic market and production conditions.

Source: Globenergia